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Entrust Microgrid

High efficiency, low cost, renewable energy system

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Entrust smart microgrids seamlessly switch between solar power, battery and the grid. Innovate UK’s Sustainable Innovation Fund helped the company build their EnSmart EV technology, a solution that will ease the world’s transition to renewables.

The energy transition to a decarbonized future will put huge demands on the electricity grid. Entrust is developing smart microgrid solutions that seamlessly switch between solar power, solar battery storage and the grid, instantly and automatically. By understanding and adapting to user patterns of behaviour, the microgrid gives the most efficient source of energy while reducing costs.

Innovate UKs Sustainable Innovation Fund allowed Entrust to develop a real-world demonstrator of their EnSmart Electric Vehicle (EV) technology, to show how the microgrid concept can help consumers of the future by balancing out the demands our developing EV infrastructure places on the electricity grid.

Lead Participant:
Entrust Microgrid
Entrust Microgrid